Chicken Tikka Masala
Image: Daily Express features white Briton offended that curry house sees him as a white person. I was looking through some old files and found a medical school admissions essay I wrote in 2001. Case Western asked applicants to write about something outside of medicine. I wrote about chicken tikka masala, a long-standing interest of mine that had become more relevant with a speech by Labour minister Robin Cook that is still known as the "Chicken Tikka Masala Speech". Below the break, my chicken tikka masala medical school application essay. But if you're going to read just one chicken tikka masala think-piece by a white guy, read Cook's speech. It underlines that Brexit politics are not new debates. And check out this long Guardian article updating the politics of "curry houses" in Britain . Super interesting article. ( Except for the last line, which overstates the case. Donald Trump does not like tacos. He advertised eating "taco salad...